Retrieving your flow account

Hello, I have encountered an authorization problem in / Ledger. When trying to authorize on the device, it asks you to sign a transaction with a change of the derivation path to 44’/1’/769/0/0. Is it worth signing this transaction? I attach a screenshot. ff — ImgBB

Hi @Richard1201 ,

This is expected :slightly_smiling_face: ! The existing derivation path used on Ledger devices is:

m / 44' / 1' / 769 / 0 / 0

Note: There is a FLIP (Flow Improvement Proposal) to revise Flow’s use of BIP-44 derivation paths located here (FLIP-0200: Application of BIP 44 in Flow Wallets by psiemens · Pull Request #200 · onflow/flow · GitHub) if you want to take a look!

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Hello. I have exactly the same problem at
asks to sign a transaction with a change in the derivation path to 44’/1’/769/0/0. What should I do? Will this block access to my account?

Hi @kiatkvit , this is safe and expected. As mentioned above, your ledger’s existing derivation path is:

m / 44' / 1' / 769 / 0 / 0