Where does the Ledger integration stop/ can't add Flow account?

I am starting to get the sense that the Ledger device is only used for authentication purposes, and that the user interface for managing Flow will always be https://port.onflow.org/… not the Ledger Live desktop app.

Is this correct? If so, it is not clear in the Flow/Ledger onboarding docs.

^ When using the Ledger Live desktop app, I navigate to the Accounts tab and try to add a Flow account.

It says Flow is an ERC20 Ethereum token, so I am expecting to be able to see Flow tokens underneath an Ethereum account like it shows in the [docs]

However, when I click ‘Receive’ it just reroutes me to an Ethereum account. If I keep clicking through the wizard it leads me to an Ethereum address that I don’t know what to do with.


Now I see a notice

httpZ://support.ledger.com/hc/en-us/articles/360017362160-Flow-FLOW-?docs=true) that
“Flow accounts cannot be added to Ledger Live.”

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