Hello EVM Gateway operators,
The EVM Gateway has undergone a major upgrade and is far more resilient and performant. It can also now execute trace calls locally without having to proxy over the request to an upstream access node.
This new version however requires that the EVM GW indexes all block data locally since the last network upgrade before it can start serving traffic. Hence, for this upgrade, please set up a separate instance of the EVM Gateway with v1.0.1 and allow it to catch up till the tip of the chain. The catch-up should take a few days. Once caught up, you can then switch to using this gateway instance and stop the earlier one.
Alternatively, you can update your current EVM Gateway and use the public EVM Gateway till your EVM Gateway is caught up.
Version to use: Release v1.0.2 · onflow/flow-evm-gateway · GitHub
Config parameters to remove:
--traces-gcp-bucket mainnet26-evm-execution-traces1 \
--coa-resource-create \
Config parameters to add:
--tx-state-validation=local-index \
Config parameters to change:
--coa-cloud-kms-key=your-kms-keyname@1 \
(use to be --coa-cloud-kms-keys)
Please update the EVM Gateway (testnet and mainnet) by 7th Feb 2025, as the next update to the access nodes will no longer support EVM Gateway running a previous version.
Reach out to us on Discord (Flow) if you have any questions.
Thank you,
Flow Team