Second Flow mainnet height coordinated upgrade today (Tuesday, Feb 18th) at 22:00 UTC

Hello Flow Node Operators,

There will be a second height coordinated upgrade today (Tuesday, Feb 18th) on Flow mainnet on at 22:00 UTC.

Please be prepared to update your Flow nodes at 22:00 UTC.

Actions needed from your side on Feb 18th:

  1. Verification, Collection and Consensus node operators -

Please update your docker to the new tag that will be shared at 22:00 UTC as part of an announcement to restart the node.

Do not delete the data folder.

Please complete this action within 24 hour of the announcement

If you are running multiple nodes, please restart the nodes one after the other (instead of all at once).

  1. Access node operators -

Please update your docker to the new tag that will be provided at 22:00 UTC.

Do not delete the data folder.

  1. Execution node operators -

Execution nodes will stop executing blocks at a particular height and must be restarted with a new docker tag.
You can monitor the block height by querying the metric execution_runtime_last_executed_block_height.
e.g. curl -s | grep -E '^(execution_runtime_last_executed_block_height)'

Once the execution node has stopped executing blocks, the height reported by the metric will no longer advance.
One that happens, do the following:

  1. Stop the node
  2. Remove the following config params if you have them set. These are no longer needed and need to be removed.
  1. Update the docker tag to the one provided at 22:00 UTC.
  2. Start the node.

Do not delete the data folder.
Please complete this action immediately for the execution node

  1. EVM Gateway operators -

Please update the EVM Gateway to v1.0.4 if you have not already done so.

This is NOT a spork, and the network will keep running during the upgrade.

Thank you for your cooperation,
Flow Team.