Transaction - Post Condition

I was wondering, why transaction scope is not available in post condition? :thinking:
This way it would be possible to do something like this:

import FungibleToken from 0x01

transaction {

  let account: AuthAccount

  prepare(acct: AuthAccount) {
    self.account = acct<&FungibleToken.Vault{FungibleToken.Receiver, FungibleToken.Balance}>(/public/MainReceiver, target: /storage/MainVault)
    log("Public Receiver reference created!")

  post {
                    "Vault Receiver Reference was not created correctly"

Because in the second transaction, if I send it from 0x02 it will make incorrect check, since it’s checking if capability on 0x01 exists :man_shrugging:

post {
                        "Vault Receiver Reference was not created correctly"

Do you mean that the problem is that the account field is not accessible in the post-condition?

Accessing transaction fields in post-conditions should work as expected, e.g:

transaction {

  let num: Int

  prepare(acct: AuthAccount) {
    self.num = 1

  post {
    self.num == 1

Or is the problem that the transaction checks properly, but doesn’t work as expected when you run it?

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Oh, indeed! It works :slight_smile:
There were probably something wrong with the code in prepare block :thinking: