Test Net currently down?

Is Flow Test Net currently down? I’m getting this error in GO:
http: panic serving [::1]:58889: client: rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = upstream connect error or disconnect/reset before headers. reset reason: connection failure

Even when I try to fund my account on Test Net
https://testnet-faucet.onflow.org/ I get a response:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 ()
→ POST https://testnet-faucet.onflow.org/api/fund 500

@flowjosh @JeffreyDoyle @gregsantos Anyone?

I can see that Flow Test Net is up now but signatures are not working anymore with the original accounts:
err: [Error Code: 1006] invalid proposal key: public key 0 on account XXXXXX does not have a valid signature: [Error Code: 1009] invalid envelope key: public key 0 on account XXXXXX does not have a valid signature: signature is not valid

I even tried creating new accounts but I get the same error. Any help would be appreciated…

the same problem with you , did you find the way?

Yes, there were some breaking changes to the Main Net which probably reflected in the Test Net:

(I somehow overlooked the announcement both on Discord and Flow Forum).
Anyways, you have to update the GO SDK:
go get -u GitHub - onflow/flow-go-sdk: Tools for building Go applications on Flow 🌊

And then probably also run:
go mod download GitHub - golang/protobuf: Go support for Google's protocol buffers
go mod download The Go Programming Language

Hope that helps…

still this error
[Error Code: 1009] invalid envelope key: public key 0 on account dbe2ee1818a49053 does not have a valid signature: signature is not valid []

It could be something else. Was it ever working for you?

Hi guys!
I have the same error.
Has anyone managed to successfully deploy оn the Testnet?

@vlad The issue was with the breaking changes on the Test Net but that has been resolved a month ago

Thanks @dh77 ! I am trying to add a contract to my account and I am facing this error:
[Error Code: 1006] invalid proposal key: public key 0 on account 2bf82113ca9c76d1 does not have a valid signature: [Error Code: 1009] invalid envelope key: public key 0 on account 2bf82113ca9c76d1 does not have a valid signature: signature is not valid
Do you have any suggestions why this is happening?

Not sure @vlad Was it working for you before?