I have been enjoying learning about Flow and all of the intricacies in accessing data on the blockchain.
So far I have been successfully able to execute scripts on the recent block and on specific block IDs. I have not been able to successfully execute it when attempting to execute the script across a range of block heights.
The error I am getting is:
%GRPC.RPCError{message: "3 errors occurred:%0A%09* rpc error: code = Internal desc = failed to execute the script on the execution node execution-0ca407c1da940952ebcc02283b60cd97c9a008e111a48ea6cf1ce8f36f1e0153@execution-004.mainnet5.nodes.onflow.org:3569=1000: rpc error: code = Internal desc = failed to execute script: failed to execute script (internal error): ledger returns unsuccessful: error getting register (account_address_state) value at 96801fb014ff11a1274d4d317c4d11f1b62014553dc29d26134e9dfe97e10527: trie with the given rootHash [96801fb014ff11a1274d4d317c4d11f1b62014553dc29d26134e9dfe97e10527] not found%0A%09* rpc error: code = Internal desc = failed to execute the script on the execution node execution-4ab025ab974e7ad7f344fbd16e5fbcb17fb8769fc8849b9d241ae518787695bd@execution-003.mainnet5.nodes.onflow.org:3569=1000: rpc error: code = Internal desc = failed to execute script: failed to execute script (internal error): ledger returns unsuccessful: error getting register (account_address_state) value at 96801fb014ff11a1274d4d317c4d11f1b62014553dc29d26134e9dfe97e10527: trie with the given rootHash [96801fb014ff11a1274d4d317c4d11f1b62014553dc29d26134e9dfe97e10527] not found%0A%09* rpc error: code = Internal desc = failed to execute the script on the execution node execution-9686399a8a5418a12e762cfaeff2ea348c2137f554560917760e0d47acf2cda4@execution-001.mainnet5.nodes.onflow.org:3569=1000: rpc error: code = Internal desc = failed to execute script: failed to execute script (internal error): ledger returns unsuccessful: error getting register (account_address_state) value at 96801fb014ff11a1274d4d317c4d11f1b62014553dc29d26134e9dfe97e10527: trie with the given rootHash [96801fb014ff11a1274d4d317c4d11f1b62014553dc29d26134e9dfe97e10527] not found%0A%0A", status: 2}
I am using Elixir and generated the gRPC client using the flow protobuf files.
Any advice on getting past this would be helpful.
For reference, the script I am trying to use is passing an Address as an argument and I think that is where this is failing. From what I can see, I have been able to GetAccountAtLatestBlock just fine with an sending bytes from the gRPC generated client to the blockchain. Trying to send the address to a script has been giving me headaches however.
So, the error message happens when I am trying to pass in an address to the script.
From the protobuf source, I was able to generate the following client: GitHub - phereford/flow
Here is a gist of the code I have been toying with to get it working:
What works in the gist:
Getting latest block
Getting events for a specific height range
Getting an Account at the Latest block
What doesnt work:
Getting an account at a specific block height
In the gist I have put the error messages that I have been receiving. the ** MatchError is an elixir error stating that my tuple doesnt match as it is expecting {:ok, Struct} and instead getting {:error, GRPC.Error}.
Any advice here would be super helpful!
Last note: I have been able to execute a script against a block height that takes no arguments. As soon as I add arguments to the function, it fails.
I havent quite gotten past it yet. My hunch as to what is happening is that the script is expecting something in a specific type but the generated gRPC client only allows us to send :binary as arguments. Whats tricky is I have converted the address from a string to bytes and that doesnt work quite as expected.
I get a similar issue using python’s grpc_tools.protoc on the proto files. I can run Ping, GetLatestBlockHeader, and GetEventsForHeightRange without an issue.
When I run ExecuteScriptAtBlockHeight I get a very similar error:
grpc._channel._InactiveRpcError: <_InactiveRpcError of RPC that terminated with:
status = StatusCode.UNKNOWN
details = "3 errors occurred:
* rpc error: code = Internal desc = failed to execute the script on the execution node execution-160241f88cbfaa0f361cf64adb0a1c9fc19dec1daf4b96550cd67b7a9fb26cd9@execution-002.mainnet5.nodes.onflow.org:3569=1000: rpc error: code = Internal desc = failed to execute script: failed to execute script (internal error): ledger returns unsuccessful: error getting register (account_address_state) value at 48af0cb285c1b2a2761f05fac4c113d75a3aff0a26425ba97415d2f78f8a4b9b: trie with the given rootHash [48af0cb285c1b2a2761f05fac4c113d75a3aff0a26425ba97415d2f78f8a4b9b] not found
* rpc error: code = Internal desc = failed to execute the script on the execution node execution-0ca407c1da940952ebcc02283b60cd97c9a008e111a48ea6cf1ce8f36f1e0153@execution-004.mainnet5.nodes.onflow.org:3569=1000: rpc error: code = Internal desc = failed to execute script: failed to execute script (internal error): ledger returns unsuccessful: error getting register (account_address_state) value at 48af0cb285c1b2a2761f05fac4c113d75a3aff0a26425ba97415d2f78f8a4b9b: trie with the given rootHash [48af0cb285c1b2a2761f05fac4c113d75a3aff0a26425ba97415d2f78f8a4b9b] not found
* rpc error: code = Internal desc = failed to execute the script on the execution node execution-9686399a8a5418a12e762cfaeff2ea348c2137f554560917760e0d47acf2cda4@execution-001.mainnet5.nodes.onflow.org:3569=1000: rpc error: code = Internal desc = failed to execute script: failed to execute script (internal error): ledger returns unsuccessful: error getting register (account_address_state) value at 48af0cb285c1b2a2761f05fac4c113d75a3aff0a26425ba97415d2f78f8a4b9b: trie with the given rootHash [48af0cb285c1b2a2761f05fac4c113d75a3aff0a26425ba97415d2f78f8a4b9b] not found
debug_error_string = "{"created":"@1614739406.441909678","description":"Error received from peer ipv4:","file":"src/core/lib/surface/call.cc","file_line":1067,"grpc_message":"3 errors occurred:\n\t* rpc error: code = Internal desc = failed to execute the script on the execution node execution-160241f88cbfaa0f361cf64adb0a1c9fc19dec1daf4b96550cd67b7a9fb26cd9@execution-002.mainnet5.nodes.onflow.org:3569=1000: rpc error: code = Internal desc = failed to execute script: failed to execute script (internal error): ledger returns unsuccessful: error getting register (account_address_state) value at 48af0cb285c1b2a2761f05fac4c113d75a3aff0a26425ba97415d2f78f8a4b9b: trie with the given rootHash [48af0cb285c1b2a2761f05fac4c113d75a3aff0a26425ba97415d2f78f8a4b9b] not found\n\t* rpc error: code = Internal desc = failed to execute the script on the execution node execution-0ca407c1da940952ebcc02283b60cd97c9a008e111a48ea6cf1ce8f36f1e0153@execution-004.mainnet5.nodes.onflow.org:3569=1000: rpc error: code = Internal desc = failed to execute script: failed to execute script (internal error): ledger returns unsuccessful: error getting register (account_address_state) value at 48af0cb285c1b2a2761f05fac4c113d75a3aff0a26425ba97415d2f78f8a4b9b: trie with the given rootHash [48af0cb285c1b2a2761f05fac4c113d75a3aff0a26425ba97415d2f78f8a4b9b] not found\n\t* rpc error: code = Internal desc = failed to execute the script on the execution node execution-9686399a8a5418a12e762cfaeff2ea348c2137f554560917760e0d47acf2cda4@execution-001.mainnet5.nodes.onflow.org:3569=1000: rpc error: code = Internal desc = failed to execute script: failed to execute script (internal error): ledger returns unsuccessful: error getting register (account_address_state) value at 48af0cb285c1b2a2761f05fac4c113d75a3aff0a26425ba97415d2f78f8a4b9b: trie with the given rootHash [48af0cb285c1b2a2761f05fac4c113d75a3aff0a26425ba97415d2f78f8a4b9b] not found\n\n","grpc_status":2}"
Due to the increasing amount of transactions, the current “window” (block height) is not valid anymore.
You must use a “smaller sized window” (500 -> 100), which will be valid (exists).
I hope this helps.
Can you share a link to your implementation on Git?
@weaver1045 I was able to do the same as above to get some successful queries working. I was still unable to execute scripts that took arguments though.
@bigoper I was able to get the Go code to work using a 100 window.
@phereford I have the same problem now on the python side. I can get ExecuteScriptAtBlockHeight to work if I don’t pass any arguments. Getting “error: invalid argument at index 0” back from all 3 execution nodes if I try to send arguments.
from flow.access.access_pb2 import *
from flow.access.access_pb2_grpc import *
from flow.execution.execution_pb2_grpc import *
channel = grpc.insecure_channel('access.mainnet.nodes.onflow.org:9000')
stub = AccessAPIStub(channel)
r = GetLatestBlockRequest()
response = stub.GetLatestBlock(r)
block_height = response.block.height
script = b"""
pub fun main(m:String): String {
return m
position0 = b"Hello Flow"
req = ExecuteScriptAtBlockHeightRequest()
req.block_height = block_height
req.script = script
resp = stub.ExecuteScriptAtBlockHeight(req)
3 errors occurred:
* rpc error: code = Internal desc = failed to execute the script on the execution node execution-0ca407c1da940952ebcc02283b60cd97c9a008e111a48ea6cf1ce8f36f1e0153@execution-004.mainnet5.nodes.onflow.org:3569=1000: rpc error: code = Internal desc = failed to execute script: failed to execute script at block (138173ab551153d7c2358741dd8154a557c911c2e0878687c9d409643a9861f0): Execution failed:
error: invalid argument at index 0
--> 55733026e070dd4719e8fbc17976cdbef1f3543cc66b99b33a7a6d0ecdf5adf2
* rpc error: code = Internal desc = failed to execute the script on the execution node execution-160241f88cbfaa0f361cf64adb0a1c9fc19dec1daf4b96550cd67b7a9fb26cd9@execution-002.mainnet5.nodes.onflow.org:3569=1000: rpc error: code = Internal desc = failed to execute script: failed to execute script at block (138173ab551153d7c2358741dd8154a557c911c2e0878687c9d409643a9861f0): Execution failed:
error: invalid argument at index 0
--> 55733026e070dd4719e8fbc17976cdbef1f3543cc66b99b33a7a6d0ecdf5adf2
* rpc error: code = Internal desc = failed to execute the script on the execution node execution-4ab025ab974e7ad7f344fbd16e5fbcb17fb8769fc8849b9d241ae518787695bd@execution-003.mainnet5.nodes.onflow.org:3569=1000: rpc error: code = Internal desc = failed to execute script: failed to execute script at block (138173ab551153d7c2358741dd8154a557c911c2e0878687c9d409643a9861f0): Execution failed:
error: invalid argument at index 0
--> 55733026e070dd4719e8fbc17976cdbef1f3543cc66b99b33a7a6d0ecdf5adf2
debug_error_string = "{"created":"@1614804245.123604012","description":"Error received from peer ipv4:","file":"src/core/lib/surface/call.cc","file_line":1067,"grpc_message":"3 errors occurred:\n\t* rpc error: code = Internal desc = failed to execute the script on the execution node execution-0ca407c1da940952ebcc02283b60cd97c9a008e111a48ea6cf1ce8f36f1e0153@execution-004.mainnet5.nodes.onflow.org:3569=1000: rpc error: code = Internal desc = failed to execute script: failed to execute script at block (138173ab551153d7c2358741dd8154a557c911c2e0878687c9d409643a9861f0): Execution failed:\nerror: invalid argument at index 0\n--> 55733026e070dd4719e8fbc17976cdbef1f3543cc66b99b33a7a6d0ecdf5adf2\n\n\t* rpc error: code = Internal desc = failed to execute the script on the execution node execution-160241f88cbfaa0f361cf64adb0a1c9fc19dec1daf4b96550cd67b7a9fb26cd9@execution-002.mainnet5.nodes.onflow.org:3569=1000: rpc error: code = Internal desc = failed to execute script: failed to execute script at block (138173ab551153d7c2358741dd8154a557c911c2e0878687c9d409643a9861f0): Execution failed:\nerror: invalid argument at index 0\n--> 55733026e070dd4719e8fbc17976cdbef1f3543cc66b99b33a7a6d0ecdf5adf2\n\n\t* rpc error: code = Internal desc = failed to execute the script on the execution node execution-4ab025ab974e7ad7f344fbd16e5fbcb17fb8769fc8849b9d241ae518787695bd@execution-003.mainnet5.nodes.onflow.org:3569=1000: rpc error: code = Internal desc = failed to execute script: failed to execute script at block (138173ab551153d7c2358741dd8154a557c911c2e0878687c9d409643a9861f0): Execution failed:\nerror: invalid argument at index 0\n--> 55733026e070dd4719e8fbc17976cdbef1f3543cc66b99b33a7a6d0ecdf5adf2\n\n\n","grpc_status":2}