Hi, this is all pretty new to me but after some digging, to my understanding the fcl scripts for the js sdk does not support the function ExecuteScriptAtBlockHeight.
I was told it might be possible to run it if I use the onflow protobuf package, would I haveto generate the protobufs myself or can I use it directly in my node app? Because when installing protoc and the library I don’t get a script in my package.json to generate them.
Your help would be appreciated
Interfaces for each available protobuf request are exposed by the “@onflow/protobuf” package, which is available to download via NPM (see: fcl-js/packages/protobuf at master · onflow/fcl-js · GitHub) . To see how to build with them, feel free to reference the send functions available in the “@onflow/send” package (see: https://github.com/onflow/flow-js-sdk/tree/master/packages/send). Each send function interacts with the interfaces exposed by the “@onflow/protobuf” package.
We have a few issues in the flow-js-sdk backlog to allow access to *AtBlockHeight functions from the js-sdk / fcl
I will prioritize this work in our coming few sprints. Feel free to track the progress of these issues to see the current status of this work!
Happy building
! If you have any additional questions or need more help please reach out!
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