Hi all, I’m a little stuck in building a marketplace on top of FUSD or FlowToken
The way I understood after doing the tutorials is that in order for a marketplace to be functional, it needs to have two contracts inherit from a FungibleToken AND NonFungibleToken, respectively. A user can then mint NFT’s and sell them on the Marketplace in exchange for FungibleTokens. In the Kitty-items marketplace example, I see there is an example of Kibble tokens that inherit from the FT contract. However, I was wondering if it was possible to directly use FlowTokens and/or the FUSD contract as the implementation for users to buy/sell nonfungibleTokens with. What is the best practice here, if we do not want to create our own FungibleToken implementation?
Are there office hours with the Cadence developer community? I’d love to have the chance to engage and ask questions. Thanks!