Programmable art

Hi everyone,

I see some of your are interested in tokenizing art. One project I find interesting is An NFT is constructed from several layers that can be sold separately and programmed by the owner.

In Cadence one resource can own other resources, so this kind of layered NFTs are simple to implement.
You could build things like an NFT that changes the background layer based on the date or time. It could have a snowy background in the winter and a sunny one in the summer. You could have a map-like layer that displays all the locations its owner visited. You could store a piece of JavaScript(or CSS?) code in the NFT that would animate one of the layers when displayed in a browser. Imagine a layer containing an image of the international space station that would be positioned based on its predicted location. Waves that would grow when surf’s up in the owners favorite surfing spot. The possibilities are endless!


Suuuuper cool!! Love the data driven idea.

I guess you could also compose and sell individual layers (with no “master” - a la and allow the community to collect and compose their own pieces?

This is super cool! Thanks for sharing
Fascinating concept and increadibly insiprational :smiley:

Whoa Daniel, Surf is up and sounds like I had better hit the beach. Tokenize Surf Legends for additional inspiration?

The concept of programmable art is exciting as it opens many possibilities for increasing interaction between artists and the art community. I like the different use cases you mention like background changing to reflect season or surf condition. I was thinking about how the implementation of these types of things could be challenging for an artist without coding or blockchain experience. I could imagine that this type of work may be intriguing for many artists but without the know-how of translating their physical art and ideas to code, they might shy away from it. Having a product that facilitated partnerships between tech-savvy and artistic people to create these programmable art projects (for mutual benefit/profit) would be super useful.

It seems like Bridges will be very useful and important to join tech savy and product savy minds. Good point katielorrie.