Hi everyone! I’m new to Cadence and I’m facing a problem with resources & references.
I have a resource for certain withdrawing restrictions store in /storage/Restrictions, then I have a transaction that changes the Withdrawing date on the resource and checks if the reference to the resource was created.
I thought that the path is right and the capability should be created correctly but I always get the error that the reference was not created!
Here is the code for the transaction;
transaction {
var tempVault: &EducationFund.Rules{EducationFund.WithdrawRestrictions}
var account: AuthAccount
prepare(acct: AuthAccount){
self.account = acct
let fundAccount = getAccount(0x03)
let refVault = fundAccount.getCapability(/public/Restrictions)
?? panic("Could not create reference to resource!")
self.tempVault = refVault
execute {
self.tempVault.setWithdrawDate(_withdrawDate: 10000.0, account: self.account)
log("Withraw date changed!")
Welcome to the Flow community! It is good to have you here. 
never fails, but if the capability is invalid, the borrow could fail. This could be for many reasons:
- You are trying to get the capability from a different account than what you saved it to
- You are trying to get the capability from a different path than what you saved it to
- The type of the reference you are trying to borrow is different than what you saved it as
- The type of the capability you created doesn’t match what it is actually targeting in storage
I would recommend looking into those potential issues first, then if you still can’t solve it, post the transaction that you used to create the capability and I can take a look. 
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Hi there flowjosh, really thankful for the response!
I’m still lost and couldn’t figure out the issue but I also didn’t understand the last two possible issues.
Would it be okay if I send you the code?
Can you please post the code here? @YBBlockDev
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Sure! here is the link for the code;
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you have created the path self.account.save(<- create Rules(), to: /storage/Restrictions) in the education fund contract but you did not made it public that all contract can get it’s data. When you are getting it in the transaction.
let vaultRef = fundAccount.getCapability(/public/Restrictions)
actually you didn’t make it public anywhere in the contract, meaning you didn’t link it.
You also have more issue related this linking.
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Hello I really appreciate the feedback!
Can you please provide me with a little bit more instructions on how this can be fixed?
there may be multipe issues but one I solved is to make the capability public in the Education Fund contract, I updated the code in the init of this contract.
self.account.link<&EducationFund.Rules{WithdrawRestrictions}>(/public/Restrictions, target: /storage/Restrictions)
Now with this link you can call the methods and variables available in Education Fund contract.
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