Is the NFT basic contract missing in the emulator-net?

Hi guys! Iā€™m playing with the emulator trying to recreate the kitty-items repository. When setting the NON_FUNGIBLE_TOKEN_ADDRESS in the .env file (kitty-items-deployer) I noted that in the log of the command 'flow emulator start --init" (image) the address of the NFT core contract is missing.

Am I supposed to deploy it by copying from the core contracts page? If yes, I think it could be usefull to put it in the default emulator starter version.

Ok, by looking to the DappStarter repository by Decentology I just realized that the NFT contract is not a core contract :sweat_smile: I was thinking that there was a core contract with the NFT basic functionalities (like interfaces) that had to be pointed by the new NFT smart contarct declaration. So, in order to create a NFT the only necessary thing is pub resource NFT, am I right?

In order to create an NFT, you need to import the NFT contract interface and implement it. You can find the NFT interface in this repo: GitHub - onflow/flow-nft: The Non-Fungible Token standard on the Flow Blockchain

The NFT interface is already deployed to testnet and mainnet (addresses here: Non-Fungible Token Contract - Flow Documentation) but if you are testing in the emulator, youā€™ll need to deploy it yourself before importing it.

If you donā€™t implement the NFT interface, your NFT will not be interoperable with many of the other smart contracts that work with general NFTs, so we highly recommend it.

Any other questions?

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@fabius Although the NFT contract doesnā€™t have ā€œcore contractā€ status, I think thereā€™s still a strong case to include it in the emulator by default.

The team is actually working through this right now ā€“ pretty soon thereā€™ll be a way to specify default contracts that are automatically loaded when the emulator starts.


Thank you @flowjosh! Thank you @pete!

I fixed it by ā€œmanualā€ uploading the NFT smart contract in the emulator :wink:

Right now Iā€™m stucked cause kitty-items is developed with testnet in mind. After uploading all contracts and setting the local emulator as entry point I got issues in the web interface. It seems that somewhere itā€™s actually trying to connect to testnet (Iā€™m trying to debug, if it will take too much time I will ask for a help here).

Anyway, taking the bull by the horns, I would like to develop directly on testnet. I sent my request for the faucet a couple of days ago but still nothing. Is the testnet still down or am I doing something wrong? (I just generated the key pairs with the flow-cli and copied the pub key in the form - my RequestID is 544eece5-8421-4d77-9f78-cf7a15ea484a)

Ah, sorry about that @fabius! I accepted your request 3 days ago, but the account creation failed due to a formatting error with the public key. Iā€™ll email you with more details :slight_smile:

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Thanks @pete! Just answered you back. Next time gonna double check the public key. The blind copy paste from windows power shell after the ā€˜generate keyā€™ command results in a public key splitted by an empty space.

Hi @pete ! Iā€™m not able to deploy on testnet yet. Still waiting to have a response from the faucet. Can you check my request? RequestID: 63b3527a-6c9d-4ee3-9d96-1ae56da68afa

You should have just received an email with your new account. Sorry about that!

Hey Pete! Iā€™m back! Everythingā€™s working, just deployed my first smart contract on the testnet! Thank you!

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Great to hear!!