Flow/SC Package Manager

Current code package managers (like NPM) contain libraries of coding packages that are uploaded by anyone. These can be malicious bits of code or anyone who is attacked by a malicious coder and is able to publish changes. Bring the global dev community together with added security + safety from blockchain tech while creating the best type of developer environment, a shared library of coding knowledge.

Inspired by the Flow Tutorials which could be simple packages for people to access within a single library.

Side Note: If this doesn’t fit within the scope of this bootcamp please ignore. Also, if something exists that is safer / more secure than NPM, please let me know.


I think this is a great idea. One of my colleagues used to work on EthPM back in the day which many project have found useful. I do remember it being a LOT of work though so it might be out of scope for OWB, but this is important.

In a similar vein, it might be useful to create a standard library of smart contracts anyway, even if it doesn’t come with a package manager. Standard smart contracts for complex string manipulation, sorting algorithms, linked lists, etc. We can create a new onflow repo if anyone here is interested in contributing to it.


I’m interested in contributing.

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@Steven I’ve created a repo for this. https://github.com/onflow/cadence-libraries
I haven’t created any issues yet, but feel free to start creating issues if there is a library that you think would be useful! I’ll start creating more issues for possibilities in the coming days and weeks