Could you please tell my why I cant stake my flow?
I am receiving this Error: [Error Code: 1101] cadence runtime error Execution failed: error: pre-condition failed: Cannot register a node operator if the staking auction isn’t in progress → 8624b52f9ddcd04a.FlowIDTableStaking:1176:12
I did a test with 10 flow on staking, now is the second time (in the guide it says to delegate more flows, but this doesnt work properly for me)
also I see in the code this panic thing (maybe will help) : prepare(account: AuthAccount) {
self.stakingCollectionRef = account.borrow<&FlowStakingCollection.StakingCollection>(from: FlowStakingCollection.StakingCollectionStoragePath)
?? panic(“Could not borrow ref to StakingCollection”)