I’m trying to follow along with rrrken’s topshot sales article below but have gotten stuck.
Have updated main.go section to use v3 contract
blockEvents, err := flowClient.GetEventsForHeightRange(context.Background(), client.EventRangeQuery{
Type: "A.c1e4f4f4c4257510.TopShotMarketV3.MomentPurchased",
StartHeight: latestBlock.Height - 249,
EndHeight: latestBlock.Height,
and below in sales_moment.go to use v3 contract
let collectionRef = acct.getCapability(/public/topshotSalev3Collection)!.borrow<&{Market.SalePublic}>() ?? panic(“Could not borrow capability from public collection”)
However when i run the program, i get the following error and unsure how to fix.
panic: error fetching sale moment from flow: client: rpc error: code = InvalidArgument desc = failed to execute the script on the execution node execution-4ab025ab974e7ad7f344fbd16e5fbcb17fb8769fc8849b9d241ae518787695bd@execution-003.mainnet17.nodes.onflow.org:3569=100: rpc error: code = InvalidArgument desc = failed to execute script: failed to execute script at block (df06f5ca2f6a5762dfc13d07f167013773f03c756fd2a615734358e11b7015f6): [Error Code: 1101] cadence runtime error Execution failed:
error: get program failed: cannot check account freeze status: failed to read key #66726f7a656e on account 0b2a3299cc857e29: [Failure Code: 2002] ledger returns unsuccessful: get register failed: error getting register (frozen) value at 5555be2f0858c770006b0009b635b5889030d73edcd50615310b7cab17238c18: trie with the given rootHash 5555be2f0858c770006b0009b635b5889030d73edcd50615310b7cab17238c18 not found
→ 0b2a3299cc857e29.TopShot