Blockchain for Messaging Apps

I have recently been intrigued by the messaging platform Telegram, as it has been marketed as a messaging platform that is much more secure than other platforms in the market. After researching the company, I found that they are developing their blockchain-based platform called the TON (Telegram Open Network). This will hopefully extend Telegram’s services into payments, file storage, and censorship-proof browsing. This is a new step in encryption and privacy within messaging apps that is unparalleled. However, there are many ethical issues to the deployment of this Blockchain technology. A problem that comes to mind is the use of this technology for illegal activities. Blockchain provides an incredibly robust framework for sending and receiving messages securely. As seen in the reading, one of the three pillars of Blockchain is decentralization, and by decentralizing the information, messages cannot be intercepted as easily. While this new method of messaging ensures privacy and security, perhaps it is worth considering the ethical implications of its deployment into society.

Don’t want to disappoint you, but…


Ah yes, I was aware of this. I guess I was alluding more towards the ethics and the idea behind using blockchain in messaging applications! But perhaps that story is just a testament to the future of blockchain within this industry! Thanks :slight_smile:

I think that the end goal is to make so that even though there is more privacy, that we still have incentive systems in place to so that bad behavior is punished and that there are still ways to track things for most users. Right now, blockchain is still kind of in the wild west so a lot of those aren’t in place yet

I think messaging on blockchain could be interesting as a user interface but not for messaging alone. Both messaging and blockchain interactions are quite personal in the sense that they’re 1:1 with people you know rather than between you and some larger org/platform and i think that could be an important UX consideration longer-term but indeed - for now, messaging is probably far on the horizon