Access, Collection and Execution node operators please upgrade to v0.31.21

Hello Access, Collection and Execution node operators,

Please upgrade your Access, Collection and Execution node to v0.31.21 (alternatively, v0.31.21-without-netgo)

Do not delete the data folder

The v0.31.21 release addresses the CVE: cve-website for the HTTP/2 protocol. This release includes changes to the gRPC server to address the vulnerability on the Access, Collection, and Execution nodes.

Due to Go standard library dependencies, the REST & gRPC-web servers on Access Nodes cannot be patched at this time. Hence, if you are running an access node, we additionally recommend that you leverage an up-to-date proxy to protect the REST & gRPC-web servers from this vulnerability.

We will have a fully patched solution in the upcoming network upgrade (spork) on November 8th.

Thank you,
Flow Foundation