Hi all,
I was following the instructions of Kitty Items to deploy it to Testnet.
It was stuck at the deploy step:
% flow project deploy --network testnet -f flow.json -f flow.testnet.json
❌ Config Error: deployment contains nonexisting network testnet
Reading the flow.json it seems the network testnet is defined.
Could anyone shed some light how to resolve it?
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For some reason my post is not shown in New To Flow list?
It looks like you are trying to use two different flow.json files. Can you try removing -f flow.testnet.json
from the list and rerunning? That might solve your problem
Hi @flowjosh thanks for reply.
The command is from the deployment instruction of Kitty Items project.
If I removed the flow.testnet.json it does not deploy anything:
% flow project deploy --network testnet -f flow.json
⚠️ Version warning: a new version of Flow CLI is available (v0.28.2).
Read the installation guide for upgrade instructions: https://docs.onflow.org/flow-cli/install
Deploying 0 contracts for accounts:
✨ All contracts deployed successfully
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It turned out flow-client outdated. Upgraded to 0.28 issue resolved!