Transaction Fee Update: Testnet and Canarynet - 9/24/21

In preparation for the rollout of Transaction Fees on Oct. 7, 2021, transaction fees on testnet and canarynet are being adjusted to the same price that will be on mainnet to allow everyone a chance to prepare.

This change will go into effect:
CanaryNet: 09-24-2021
TestNet: 09-24-2021
MainNet: 10-07-2021

Who/What This Impacts
In preparation for transaction fees rollout onto mainnet on 10-07-2021, the transaction fees on testnet and canarynet are being updated from 0.0001 (1e-4) FLOW per transaction as it is set now, to 0.00001 (1e-5) FLOW as it will be on mainnet.

Action Required
No action is required, this is a notice to the community in preparation for the Oct. 7, 2021 Transaction Fee implementation.

If you have any questions regarding this, please reach out for assistance on the Flow Discord.

:ocean: Thank you :ocean:

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