Transaction Error execution error code 1101: [Error Code: 1101] cadence runtime error Execution failed:

This is the transaction code which will be used to list item in market

import PinataPartyContract from 0xf8d6e0586b0a20c7
import PinnieToken from 0xf8d6e0586b0a20c7
import MarketplaceContract from 0xf8d6e0586b0a20c7

transaction {

prepare(acct: AuthAccount) {
    let receiver = acct.getCapability<&{PinnieToken.Receiver}>(/public/MainReceiver)
    let sale <- MarketplaceContract.createSaleCollection(ownerVault: receiver)

    let collectionRef = acct.borrow<&PinataPartyContract.Collection>(from: /storage/NFTCollection)
        ?? panic("Could not borrow owner's nft collection reference")

    let token <- collectionRef.withdraw(withdrawID: 1)

    sale.listForSale(token: <-token, price: 10.0)<-sale, to: /storage/NFTSale)<&MarketplaceContract.SaleCollection{MarketplaceContract.SalePublic}>(/public/NFTSale, target: /storage/NFTSale)

    log("Sale Created for account 1. Selling NFT 1 for 10 tokens")


This is where the error is coming from line 27

pub contract PinataPartyContract {
    pub resource NFT {
        pub let id: UInt64
        init(initID: UInt64) { = initID

pub resource interface NFTReceiver {
    pub fun deposit(token: @NFT, metadata: {String : String})
    pub fun getIDs(): [UInt64]
    pub fun idExists(id: UInt64): Bool
    pub fun getMetadata(id: UInt64) : {String : String}

pub resource Collection: NFTReceiver {
    pub var ownedNFTs: @{UInt64: NFT}
    pub var metadataObjs: {UInt64: { String : String }}

    init () {
        self.ownedNFTs <- {}
        self.metadataObjs = {}

    pub fun withdraw(withdrawID: UInt64): @NFT {
        let token <- self.ownedNFTs.remove(key: withdrawID)!
        return <-token

    pub fun deposit(token: @NFT, metadata: {String : String}) {
        self.metadataObjs[] = metadata
        self.ownedNFTs[] <-! token

    pub fun idExists(id: UInt64): Bool {
        return self.ownedNFTs[id] != nil

    pub fun getIDs(): [UInt64] {
        return self.ownedNFTs.keys

    pub fun updateMetadata(id: UInt64, metadata: {String: String}) {
        self.metadataObjs[id] = metadata

    pub fun getMetadata(id: UInt64): {String : String} {
        return self.metadataObjs[id]!

    destroy() {
        destroy self.ownedNFTs

pub fun createEmptyCollection(): @Collection {
    return <- create Collection()

pub resource NFTMinter {
    pub var idCount: UInt64

    init() {
        self.idCount = 1

    pub fun mintNFT(): @NFT {
        var newNFT <- create NFT(initID: self.idCount)

        self.idCount = self.idCount + 1 as UInt64

        return <-newNFT

init() {<-self.createEmptyCollection(), to: /storage/NFTCollection)<&{NFTReceiver}>(/public/NFTReceiver, target: /storage/NFTCollection)<-create NFTMinter(), to: /storage/NFTMinter)


The error says:
Transaction Error
execution error code 1101: [Error Code: 1101] cadence runtime error Execution failed:
error: unexpectedly found nil while forcing an Optional value
→ f8d6e0586b0a20c7.PinataPartyContract:27:63
27 | let token ← self.ownedNFTs.remove(key: withdrawID)!

It looks like the token that you are trying to withdraw does not exist in the collection. You should make sure it exists before trying to withdraw it. :+1:

Hello I am having the same problem as you with the same code, could you solve it?