Hello, I’m new to Flow and I’m trying to write a very simple test.
But when I try to use const Alice = await getAccountAddress('alice')
I’m getting the error: "TypeError: Cannot destructure property ‘events’ of ‘e’ as it is null"
My test is very simple. So I’m probably missing something but I don’t know what
Here is my test:
import path from "path";
import { emulator, init, getAccountAddress } from "flow-js-testing";
// Increase timeout if your tests failing due to timeout
describe("Token", () => {
beforeEach(async () => {
const basePath = path.resolve(__dirname, "../cadence");
// You can specify different port to parallelize execution of describe blocks
const port = 8888;
// Setting logging flag to true will pipe emulator output to console
const logging = false;
await init(basePath, { port });
return emulator.start(port, logging);
// Stop emulator, so it could be restarted
afterEach(async () => {
return emulator.stop();
test("Alice should exist", async () => {
const Alice = await getAccountAddress('alice')
The error:
› Alice should exist
TypeError: Cannot destructure property 'events' of 'e' as it is null.
23 |
24 | test("Alice should exist", async () => {
> 25 | const Alice = await getAccountAddress('alice')
| ^
26 | expect(Alice).toBeDefined()
27 | })
28 | });
at events (node_modules/flow-js-testing/src/account.js:64:19)
at Object.<anonymous> (cadence/tests/ZooToken.test.ts:25:23)
I often see this error if I have another instance of the Flow emulator running - check that you don’t have another terminal open with the emulator running inside of it. If you do, shut that one down and run your test again
another option can be flow-cli version, this error is mostly related when Emulator is not running on that selected port etc.
you can try to verify but watching ps ax | grep flow and catching launch arguments (quickest way) and trying to run with that arguments to see the error.