I’m looking to determine the best practice for creating flow accounts for users server side.
The backend of my app is built in node.js and deployed on Vercel. I need to create flow accounts / wallets for users when they sign up. I already have built out the auth using Auth0. I would just like to generate a flow account address / private key so I can manage a wallet on behalf of each user. I will be storing the user’s private keys for them.
I was able to dig through the different packages in the Flow Javascript SDK and put together the following solution.
const fcl = require('@onflow/fcl')
const t = require('@onflow/types')
const EC = require('elliptic').ec
const ec = new EC('p256')
const rlp = require('rlp')
const { SHA3 } = require('sha3')
const invariant = (fact, msg, ...rest) => {
if (!fact) {
const error = new Error(`INVARIANT ${msg}`)
error.stack = error.stack
.filter(d => !/at invariant/.test(d))
console.error('\n\n---\n\n', error, '\n\n', ...rest, '\n\n---\n\n')
throw error
const get = (scope, path, fallback) => {
if (typeof path === 'string') return get(scope, path.split('/'), fallback)
if (!path.length) return scope
try {
const [head, ...rest] = path
return get(scope[head], rest, fallback)
} catch (_error) {
return fallback
const CONTRACT = `
access(all) contract Noop {}
const PK = '55bdf531ce04af41caa0adc77b4274a4a024e6e0cb92c6c24e69c53c5df5ac47'
const SERVICE_ADDR = 'f8d6e0586b0a20c7'
// current cadded AuthAccount constructor (what you use to create an account on flow)
// requires a public key to be in a certain format. That format is an rlp encoded value
// that encodes the key itself, what curve it uses, how the signed values are hashed
// and the keys weight.
const encodePublicKeyForFlow = publicKey =>
Buffer.from(publicKey, 'hex'), // publicKey hex to binary
2, // P256 per https://github.com/onflow/flow/blob/master/docs/accounts-and-keys.md#supported-signature--hash-algorithms
3, // SHA3-256 per https://github.com/onflow/flow/blob/master/docs/accounts-and-keys.md#supported-signature--hash-algorithms
1000, // give key full weight
const signWithKey = (privateKey, msgHex) => {
const key = ec.keyFromPrivate(Buffer.from(privateKey, 'hex'))
const sig = key.sign(hashMsgHex(msgHex))
const n = 32 // half of signature length?
const r = sig.r.toArrayLike(Buffer, 'be', n)
const s = sig.s.toArrayLike(Buffer, 'be', n)
return Buffer.concat([r, s]).toString('hex')
const hashMsgHex = msgHex => {
const sha = new SHA3(256)
sha.update(Buffer.from(msgHex, 'hex'))
return sha.digest()
const genKeys = () => {
const keys = ec.genKeyPair()
const privateKey = keys.getPrivate('hex')
const publicKey = keys.getPublic('hex').replace(/^04/, '')
return {
flowKey: encodePublicKeyForFlow(publicKey),
// Will be handled by fcl.user(addr).info()
const getAccount = async addr => {
const { account } = await fcl.send([fcl.getAccount(addr)])
return account
const authorization = async (account = {}) => {
const user = await getAccount(SERVICE_ADDR)
const key = user.keys[0]
let sequenceNum
if (account.role.proposer) sequenceNum = key.sequenceNumber
const signingFunction = async data => {
return {
addr: user.address,
keyId: key.index,
signature: signWithKey(PK, data.message),
return {
addr: user.address,
keyId: key.index,
signature: account.signature || null,
resolve: null,
roles: account.roles,
const createFlowAccount = async (contract = CONTRACT) => {
const keys = await genKeys()
const response = await fcl.send([
transaction {
let payer: AuthAccount
prepare(payer: AuthAccount) {
self.payer = payer
execute {
let account = AuthAccount(payer: self.payer)
account.addPublicKey("${p => p.publicKey}".decodeHex())
account.setCode("${p => p.code}".decodeHex())
fcl.param(keys.flowKey, t.Identity, 'publicKey'),
Buffer.from(contract, 'utf8').toString('hex'),
const { events } = await fcl.tx(response).onceSealed()
const accountCreatedEvent = events.find(d => d.type === 'flow.AccountCreated')
invariant(accountCreatedEvent, 'No flow.AccountCreated found', events)
let addr = accountCreatedEvent.data.address
// a standardized string format for addresses is coming soon
// our aim is to make them as small as possible while making them unambiguous
addr = addr.replace(/^0x/, '')
invariant(addr, 'an address is required')
const account = await getAccount(addr)
const key = account.keys.find(d => d.publicKey === keys.publicKey)
'could not find provided public key in on-chain flow account keys',
return {
publicKey: keys.publicKey,
privateKey: keys.privateKey,
keyId: key.index,
const run = async () => {
const account = await createFlowAccount()
console.log('account', account)
I am able to run the code in a node environment and create accounts by sending transactions to the flow emulator.
Can I do the above in a production environment against the flow testnet or mainnet?
Should I be using the Flow Go SDK instead? I found a specific “creating an account” section in the readme (https://github.com/onflow/flow-go-sdk#creating-an-account) which there isn’t in the JS SDK readme.
I would prefer to use the JS SDK to do this as I already have my API built and deployed in Node.
To do this in Go I would need to create a separate standalone Go server to make calls to from the Node API, which I would prefer not to do.
Additionally, if I do use a JS solution as above. What would be the best way to generate the private key from a seed phrase like is done with the GO SDK?
Is there any other data I need to create a flow account for a user? I imagine it’s just address, public, and private key.
How can I get access to the testnet so I can test my code in a deployed environment (e.g. Vercel) where I cannot run the flow emulator.