I went through a Golang course just to be able to work on a small idea for a friend.
I’m trying to find some documentation around the types of events that I can query for.
I currently am successfully getting a list of events for height range
flowClient.GetEventsForHeightRange(context.Background(), client.EventRangeQuery{
Type: "A.c1e4f4f4c4257510.Market.MomentListed",
StartHeight: latestBlock.Height - 500,
EndHeight: latestBlock.Height,
But the type is where I’m being thrown off. Seems that it’s formatted as A.{contract}.Market.MomentListed
- The thing is I’m not interested the specific contract, I just want all moment listed events. Do I need to query for all contracts within a height range first then loop over those and then get events that match?
If someone could point me in the right direction. Sorry if this is a stupid question I’m new to both Go and Flow and developing for crypto in general. Coming from JS land (typescript), it’s a little overwhelming to say the least lol