I often find myself needing to nest if statements with assignments. This is usually done in a script where exploding because something is lacking is bad, the return value for these scripts is usually an optional struct.
In general I am not needing the capability past the point of know if it exists or not. I mostly need access to the information inside a resource if its there otherwise i want the value for everything to be nil. The question is can this be done in a nicer way?
import BarCollection from 0x___
pub fun main(addr: Address, id: UFix64): BarCollection.ReadOnly? {
let collectionCapability = getAccount(address)
if let collection = collectionCap.borrow() {
if let nft = collection.borrowNFT(id: id) {
return nft.asReadOnly()
return nil
In the above case it doesnβt seem that bad, but there are situations, like in a market place, where we may want to receive both the listing info as well as the the NFTs info. In which case the above gets fairly more complex/messyβ¦ Once again, if the nft or the listing isnt a thing I am wanting it to return nil
import BarCollection from 0x___
import BarMarket from 0x___
pub struct ReadOnly {
let listing: BarMarket.ReadOnly
let nft: BarCollection.ReadOnly
init(listing: BarMarket.ReadOnly, nft: BarCollection.ReadOnly) {
self.listing = listing
self.nft = nft
pub fun main(addr: Address, id: UFix64): ReadOnly? {
let collectionCapability = getAccount(address).getCapability<&BarCollection.Collection{BarCollection.CollectionPublic}>(BarCollection.publicPath)!
let marketCapability = getAccount(address).getCapability<&BarMarket.Collection{BarMarket.CollectionPublic}>(BarMarket.publicPath)!
if let market = marketCapability.borrow() {
if let listing = market.borrowListing(id: id) {
if let collection = collectionCap.borrow() {
if let nft = collection.borrowNFT(id: id) {
return ReadOnly(listing: listing.asReadOnly(), nft: nft.asReadOnly())
return nil
Maybe I am completely missing something? Maybe some sort of optional chaining?Is there a nicer way of doing the above?
Great point that if-let statements are not ideal for working with multiple optionals, as they lead to deep nesting.
Here are some ideas on how this could be improved:
Swift has guard statements, see https://docs.swift.org/swift-book/ReferenceManual/Statements.html#ID524, which are a bit like the inverse of the if: when the condition is false or the binding fails (due to the value being nil), the block is executed and it must somehow stop execution of the function at the end, e.g. by using a return statement.
With such a feature your example would look something like this:
pub fun main(addr: Address, id: UFix64): BarCollection.ReadOnly? {
let collectionCapability = getAccount(address)
guard let collection = collectionCap.borrow() else {
return nil
guard let nft = collection.borrowNFT(id: id) else {
return nil
return nft.asReadOnly()
In addition, Swift allows multiple optional bindings in if-statements and guard-statements, which reduces the nesting.
With such a feature your example would look something like this:
pub fun main(addr: Address, id: UFix64): BarCollection.ReadOnly? {
let collectionCapability = getAccount(address)
if let collection = collectionCap.borrow(),
let nft = collection.borrowNFT(id: id)
return nft.asReadOnly()
return nil
In Kotlin, return can be used in expressions, and it is common to used with nil coalescing operator.
With such a feature your example would look something like this:
pub fun main(addr: Address, id: UFix64): BarCollection.ReadOnly? {
let collectionCapability = getAccount(address)
let collection = collectionCap.borrow() ?? return nil
let nft = collection.borrowNFT(id: id) ?? return nil
return nft.asReadOnly()
Okay, so I think what I am seeing is that it isnβt currently possible to make that nicer?
I dont really have any issues about the stuff you are suggesting there from the other languages. A couple points I wouldnβt mind highlighting though.
Returning from a nullish coalescing operator like in kotlin might be confusing in cadence given how return currently works.
Multiple lets per if statement would probably work just fine
I like the guard idea, sort of like an early return in javascript
A try catch sort of thing could also work for this i think. Write the code in a very explicit way like you are expecting it to be there, and then if if throws an error catch and return nil, but can also see some issues with that like partial state reverting in transactions which could lead to all sorts of really bad things donβt know if thats a thing we really want in cadence without really really thinking it through.