Gig Economy on Web3

Imagine a world where ordering your favorite :sushi: or getting dinner delivered straight to your door not only brings convenience but also empowers gig workers and unlocks new revenue models.

The $445B Gig Economy is comprised of titanic intermediaries that stand to be disrupted. This stands to bring about tremendous amounts of value and greater transparency for both gig workers and users alike.

Iโ€™m excited to share a piece I wrote on what I believe the Web3 Gig Economy of the future might look like.

Web3 devs, buidlers, product ninjas and futurists - how do YOU envision the space in the next 10 years?

Whatโ€™s your favourite Web3 Gig Economy project and where do you think itโ€™ll lead to? Reply below and lets shape the future together!

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Love the concept.

Network effects that rely on centralized data is a great use-case for blockchain to step in.

Having applications compete on the client and services and not the data as their moat is beneficial for both the gig workers and the users.

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