Flow mainnet height coordinated upgrade on Monday Jan 27th, 16:00 UTC

Hello Flow Access, Execution and Verification Node Operators,

There will be a height coordinated upgrade on Flow mainnet on Monday, January 27th at 16:00 UTC.

Please be prepared to update your Flow Verification, Execution and Access node(s) at that time.

Actions needed from your side on Jan 27th:

  • For the Verification, Execution and Access node, please update your docker to the new tag that will be provided that day as part of an announcement and restart the node.

Do not delete the data folder.

Please complete this action within 24 hour of the announcement for the verification nodes
If you are running multiple verification nodes, please restart the nodes one after the other (instead of all at once).
Please complete this action immediately for the execution node

This is NOT a spork, and the network will keep running during the upgrade.

Thank you for your cooperation,
Flow Team.