Reminder: Flow mainnet spork on tomorrow (Wednesday, 21st June)

This is a reminder that there will be a Flow mainnet spork tomorrow, Wednesday, 21st June, between 8:00 AM and 8:30 AM Pacific (3:00 PM to 3:30 PM UTC)

Read more about what’s coming up in this spork here: Upgrading Flow’s developer experience, network resilience, and more

Your keys will be carried from the current spork, so there is no need to resubmit the keys.

We will request you to start your node at 8:25 AM pacific

ACTIONS needed from your side on 2023-06-21:

  • Perform Step 1 and then Step 2 when you see the announcement “Mainnet Spork Complete” on the forum or Discord.

Release notes: Release Mainnet 23 · onflow/flow-go · GitHub.
The docker tag for tomorrow will be v0.31.9 (we will let you know if that changes)

Flow Port staking downtime during spork:

We’d also like to note that Flow Port will be inaccessible during the duration of this spork, and staking features will be disabled until 8:00 AM Pacific Time on 06/22/23.

Access Node Operators
If you are running an Access Node, please ensure you have provisioned extra disk space as per this previous announcement.

As always, feel free to reach out on Discord for support.

Thank you,
Flow Team